
Community Groups

Community Groups are made up of 10-20 people who meet in homes and help carry the priorities of Village Church out of Sundays into the other six days of the week. They allow us to unpack the truths of the Bible, work through tough questions, do life together, make real friends, serve our city, and experience the gospel in ways we can’t on our own.

Community Groups do not formally meet during the summer season (June – early September) so watch for online updates or this page to see when you can signup to join a group for the next semester.

When groups are live (Sept – May), there is a map here that shows you a list of Community Groups that have availability and fit your preferences. You can choose your preferences by Group Type, Time, and Day of the Week you’re looking for.

Perhaps you are a candidate to lead/host a new group starting in September? Let us know by clicking here!

If you are investigating Christianity or are a new follower of Jesus, please consider being a part of our next Alpha Course – 7 weeks over dinner and discussion addressing the bigger questions about life and faith in a friendly and open environment.

If you have gone through difficult times in the past or are currently struggling with life challenges and would like a safe community in which to seek God’s pathway to healing, we invite you to join an upcoming Freedom Session course – a powerfully effective 21-week intensive discipleship program.

During the summer, we have planned a few larger community building events. Please check out our events page for those happening soon.