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This Bible passage tells us that we don’t have to have all the “right” words or even know everything we’re going to pray before we pray, because God already knows. He wants you to share your heart and mind with him, so focus on being authentic. There is no formula for prayer. However, there are methods you can use to focus your time with him. Try one or both of these and see what works best for you.
God wants to develop a personal relationship with you!
You can talk with God anytime, anyday as he’s always available! He wants to spend time with you, share life with you, and work powerfully in and through you! Just like other relationships, you get closer by spending time together talking to each other, it’s the same with God. For many of us, prayer can be intimidating, confusing, and feel foreign.
We are going to help you feel more comfortable praying.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Tips to Make
it Happen
Find a space that will allow you uninterrupted time with God (room, closet, nature, car, office, etc.). Turn off notifications on your devices and limit distractions.
Some people find it helpful to write down their prayers or the focus of their prayers each time they pray. If you journal, you can look back on your prayers and see how God has answered them over time.
You can pray anytime, yet if you are trying to increase your prayerfulness it can help to find a time of day that works for more intentional prayer. For some, it is before bed; for some, it is first thing in the morning; and for some, it’s during a break. Set aside around 5-10 minutes to start.
Other People.
Get together with one or more people and pray together. There is power when people come together in the name of Jesus (Matthew 18:20). You can also hear how others pray and hopefully it helps you feel more comfortable praying.
For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And He who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
ROMANS 8:26b-27
Adoration. Tell God how much you adore him, worship him, praise him for who he is (Infinite, Unchanging, All Powerful, Loving, Gracious, Merciful, All Knowing, Ruler, Creator, etc.).
"God, I praise you for..."
Confession. Confess your sins, admit your faults, ask for forgiveness.
"God, please forgive me for..."
Thanksgiving. Thank God for his many blessings and the wonderful things he has done.
"Thank you God for..."
Supplication. Share your requests with God asking for his will to be done (trusting that he knows best and will do what is best). Requests can be for you, others, and in a variety of circumstances.
"God, would you please..."
5 Finger Prayers
Each day pray for one of these areas:
1. Family & Friends. Those closest to you and their needs, neighbours, people who don’t know Jesus.
2. Teachers. Those who teach, instruct, and bring healing.
3. Leaders. Elders, government of various levels, and those who have authority over you.
4. Sick & Poor. People who are weak physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually, and financially.
5. You. Your personal requests around relationships, work, health, etc. including items of praise.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a way I’m supposed to start and end my prayers?
God doesn’t sit back waiting for “the” formula for prayer to listen. So, the quick answer is no, you don’t have to start or end your prayers in a particular way. However, it can be good to address God when you first talk to him as it acknowledges who he is. Some people choose to start their prayer with “Dear God” or “Dear Jesus” or “Dear Lord” and some people choose to end their prayer with “Amen” or “in Jesus’ name, amen."
Am I supposed to bow my head, fold my hands, and get down on my knees?
You do not need to, but you can. Folding hands is typically taught to kids as they learn to pray as it helps them maintain focus. Bowing your head and getting down on your knees can be an act of reverence showing respect for God’s authority. It is similar to an extended bow before royalty; however, it is to God who has ultimate authority. Bowing and kneeling can also be a physical act of surrender, vulnerability, or pleading.
Should I pray out loud or in my head?
You can do either. A lot of people start by praying in their head as that can be more comfortable; however, in time, they may choose to pray out loud. When praying with others it is good to pray out loud so you can be a support to each other and affirm what is being prayed. If you find that your mind wanders more than you want it to when you pray then praying out loud can help focus your thoughts.
What if I run out of things to pray?
That’s okay. Sometimes talking with God can be quiet and we just sit with him. You can ask God to help you pray too. Remember, the Spirit is interceding (praying) for you already, so your posture of prayer is hopefully aligning yourself with what the Spirit is praying.
Digging Deeper
Prayer by Timothy Keller
How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People by Pete Grieg
How to Pray by C.S. Lewis
You can hear from Mark Clark and Carey Nieuwhof as they discuss prayer: "Spiritual Practices: Prayer" on Workshop.
Visit The Bible Daily website.