
BY Mark Clark

‘Til Death Do Us Part

Ever since the Radical Marriage sermon series we did a couple years ago, one of the questions I get asked most is: “When are we doing another marriage series?!” We get amazing emails about what that series has done in people’s lives all over the world. We’ve received emails from couples who attended the series and got their marriage back from the brink, from people buying the series on DVD for friends, couples hosting groups to watch and discuss the material, singles and dating couples getting focused on what God is calling them to in their lives versus what the world is telling them.

I am excited to say that this fall we are jumping back in! ‘Til Death Do Us Part: An Honest Look at Marriage and Relationships launches at Village Church on September 11!

In this series we will explore:
Love Languages,
Love & Respect,
and other main issues (and solutions!) that arise in our lives in the context of being married, dating, and being single.

The Survey

As I meet with people in our church and our city, my heart breaks because I keep seeing story after story of hurt, pain, confusion, and at times destruction. In many ways, relationships in general are a mess right now. There is no better time for this series.

One of the unique and exciting parts of ‘Til Death Do Us Part will be a survey portion that I want to build much of the material and content around. On September 11 we will launch an online survey which we want you to fill out (whether you are married, single, dating, divorced, remarried, whatever) so that the series can be based on real-time data from YOU, instead of generic couples’ issues that were surveyed in North America years ago.

I have developed the survey around a series of questions I feel will give me the best shot at practically and theologically helping people in our church and city at such a time as this. The questions will be real and raw, but very important. I will then build the content of my sermons for weeks two to eight around the survey results. The main issues the survey will explore are Communication, Conflict, Sex, Money, Roles, and Habits / Personalities.

I believe God will use this series to change many lives and even reach many people who don’t know Him. So make sure to invite your friends and family as this is one topic everyone, Christian or not, wants to grow in. I have been reading a ton this summer and feel God has given me a lot of great (and new) material to share to teach and challenge us all toward amazing relationships that thrive!

Click here to fill out the survey.

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