We welcome anyone who wants to be part of the adventure God has called us all to. Perhaps a fresh new mission to join others in seeing many become fully devoted followers – all for His glory.
The Mission of Village Church
We exist to see people transformed into fully devoted followers of Jesus. We live that purpose out by prioritizing three things: gospel, community, and culture.
Why Village Church in GTA?
As the largest and most influential city in Canada, GTA has millions of people who are spiritually lost and need Jesus. Village Church has a vision of seeing Canada impacted by its mission of seeing people become transformed into fully devoted followers of Jesus.
We see that
- new churches see 70% more people make decisions to follow Jesus
- 85% of churches are in plateau or decline
- the remaining 15% grow from births, transfer, returning people, and new conversions. Out of all four of those only 2% are from new conversions.
As Canada’s largest mission field, there are endless opportunities to introduce Jesus to your family, friends, and colleagues- one by one, neighbourhood by neighbourhood.