We exist to see people transformed into fully devoted followers of Jesus.
We live that purpose out by prioritizing three things: gospel, community, and culture. Here’s what we mean:
To us, fully devoted followers of Jesus means seeing people transformed into disciples. At Village Church, we do that in eight ways:
We aspire to be a missional church that works to see the renewal and transformation of individuals and cities through Jesus-focused ministry. We accomplish this by:
- Teaching and embodying the gospel.
- Interacting with those who are skeptical of Christianity by thoughtfully and graciously defending the truths of Jesus Christ and the Bible.
- Cultivating Jesus-centred community in-person and online in weekend gatherings, community groups, and events.
- Discipling and equipping people for ministry both in and outside the church so that they can grow, serve, and play their part in the mission God has given us.
- Being devoted to prayer as we seek God, speak to God, and listen to his voice so that we bring glory to him in everything we do.
- Striving for excellence and innovation in the way we do things, art, media, and technology in ways that glorify Jesus and make him known.
- Teaching Children and Youth about Jesus in ways that are engaging and life changing.
- Impacting the city and the nations through practical and tangible service through both City (Local) and Global Impact.
- Planting new churches across Canada and beyond by training, equipping, and resourcing church leaders and pastors.
- Doing these things with a sense of urgency because people die every day without knowing Jesus.

Our Staff
God builds communities of faith by uniting the people he saves and motivating them to love each other and share the gospel. In a world that can be isolating and fragmented, this makes the church a breath of fresh air.
Explore Village
Village Stories
Annette’s Story
“It’s not that I found God. He finally tapped me on the shoulder and said ‘I’ve been here all along.’”
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