Surrey North

Village Financial Discipleship

Spiritual health includes financial health. That’s why we have trained financial stewardship mentors who can work one-on-one with you in order to help apply a biblical view of money and finances. We are also developing classes in order to teach basic principles of biblical financial management so that we can all use the resources God has entrusted to us as wisely and effectively as possible. This helps us be able to do the mission God has given us and it develops our character to be more like Christ.

Our Goal:

To equip people with biblically based money management principles, so that they can:

  • live daily with increased peace, generosity, wisdom and self-control; and
  • appropriately leverage their material resources for kingdom purposes

Village Financial Course

You’re not the only one who finds “doing money” challenging and stressful at times. The Village Financial Course is full of practical teachings and tools on how to manage your money. In the course, we’ll talk about what God’s take on finances is and we’ll go through the basics of smart money management. Each week will include a large group portion and an interactive small group time led by a Facilitator (small group time will be interactive and will require you to have your video on). If you’ve been struggling to get a handle on your finances and you want to make a change, this is the place to start!

The five sessions will cover:
1. Basics of Biblical Finance
2. Breaking the Bondage of Debt
3. Basics of Budgeting
4. Budget Workshop
5. Giving

Upcoming Courses

There are currently no Village Financial Courses running. If you would like to be notified when the next course is being offered at your location, please fill out this form.