
BY Mark Clark

End of Year Update & Request

Thank you for financially supporting what Jesus has been doing among us this past year. None of it would be possible without you, from all the amazing Village Kids, Women’s and Youth ministry impact to the launch of a whole new way of doing church (Cinema Site), and our first cross-province church plant (What?! Amazing!). It has been an amazing year in which we’ve seen so many people reached and transformed by Jesus, and it’s because many of you have given so faithfully and generously as God has led you.

This year’s giving expectations have been met through November, so thank you! Now that we are at the end of the year I want to let you know how we are doing financially in regard to our:

  • Operational Budget, which includes all ministries, including Local and Global Missions, staffing, youth, church planting, etc.
  • Village 2021 land campaign

Operational Budget

This year’s budget is $6.4 million. As I said, we have hit the mark each and every month with giving targets matched with appropriate spending, so again, thank you! However, the annual budget is built with December being the biggest giving month of the year – thus a $870,000 December expectation vs. a $525,000 monthly average the rest of the year (based on past giving patterns). As of this writing (Dec 18), we are expecting and need $387,000 to be given (over the next two weeks) to cover the year.

So this is just a reminder to all of us in the midst of a busy season of life, that we want to end the year strong. If you could help us do that, maybe making up for giving that hasn’t happened this year, or just prioritizing Village as you look to give generously before December 31, that would be huge. Thank you again!

Village 2021 Update

As of this writing, $7 million has been pledged to the project! Thank you for your generosity to those that have participated. This is an amazing start to the project. We still need to make up the remaining $3 million by the end of February. We believe this can be done by getting everyone to participate. So far approximately 52% of the projected 1700 units that were expected to make up the $10 million have pledged (approx. 890 homes). So if everyone who makes up Village Church who has not pledged would pledge by December 31 we would hit our goal and be able to move on to focus on ministry and the next phase of Village 2021!

As a reference point, the $3 million would be reached with an average gift of $3700 from those who have not yet pledged. So please let’s come together and give. Remember, any amount helps. I would love to be able to announce that we have reached our goal the first Sunday in January!  Pledge here. Thanks in advance!

On this note, because we need to hit our Operational Budget goal, please make giving to Village 2021 over and above your regular giving. I know that feels like a stretch, and for all of us it is, but this is the first time we have ever had to go over and above, and for something as great as this bright future we are investing in, it is totally worth the sacrifice! Thanks again for all you are doing! I am so excited to see where God leads us in 2018!

Merry Christmas,

Mark Clark
Lead Pastor

Explore Village